• Profile
  • Full name

    Dr. Sanjaya Fernando

  • Designation

    Senior Lecturer

  • Research Interests
  • My current research has mainly been on the smallholder agriculture development, cooperatives and collective enterprises in agriculture industry, and agricultural value chains. I regularly speak to farmers and other stakeholders in agricultural value chains on my research. Lists of my publications and students supervised by me are provided below.

    Smallholder agriculture development

    This has been a recent major research area my career. I have a passion for querying alternative ways of improving the livelihood of smallholder farmers and their income in the context of agri-food industry transformation in Sri Lanka and in other developing countries predominate with smallholder agriculture.

    Cooperatives and collective enterprises in agriculture industry

    Among various business models cooperatives, farmer organizations and various other producer groups found to have many advantages to their owners. Exploring issues faced by the cooperatives and producer organizations owned and control by the farmers and other actors in the agriculture industry is another area of research in my carrier. In particular, I am interested in researching their role of linking farmers to modern markets, governance and management challenges embed in them and organizational innovations.  

    Agricultural value chains

    Agricultural value chains came into prominence following the growth of demand for quality and safe foods. I am interested in analyzing the distribution of value created along the chain and opportunities and constraints in developing agricultural value chains in developing countries.



  • Higher Education
  • PhD (Agribusiness), Massey University, New Zealand

    M.Phill (Agric. Economics),University of Peradeniya,Sri Lanka

    BSc.(Agri),Rajarata University of Sri Lanka

  • Academic Distinctions/Fellowships
  • New Zealand Commonwealth Schoalrship

    Massey University Conference Presentation Grant

    Netherland Government Fellowship 

    Summer School Schoalrship, University of Oslo

    Asian Poductivity Organisation Training Fellowship

    SAWTEE Training Fellowship 

    Most Meritorious Student, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University - 2006

  • Professional Experience
  • Lecturer (Probationary) in Power and Machinery, Department of Agricultural Systems, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka .

    Research Officer in Agric. Engineering, Sugarcane Research Institute, Uda Walawa. (From 18.01.2005 to 30.11.2005)

    Visiting Lecturer in Agric. Engineering, Department of Agricultural Systems, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka . (From 18.01.2005 to 30.11.2005)

    Visiting Lecturer in Agric. Engineering, Department of Export Agriculture, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka . (From 03.10.2005 to date)

    Temporary Lecturer in Agric. Engineering Department of Agricultural Systems, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka . (From 13.06.2002 to 17.01.2005)

    Temporary Assistant Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna. (From 25.02.2002 to 12.06.2002)

  • Memberships
  • Member of the Agricultural Engineering Society of Sri Lanka

  • Contact
  • Official Address

    Department of Agricultural Systems
    Faculty of Agriculture
    Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
    Sri Lanka.




    +94 25 222 1610



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